
Liberty.SU - 2014.

Lenta.ru -2014.

Russian Reporter - 2013.

The Saint-Petersburg Times - 2013.

Lenta.Ru - 2013.

The other side of Europe - 2013.

Lenta.Ru - 2013.

Emaho Magazine - 2012.

FK magazine - 2012.

Liberty.SU - 2012.

Russian Reporter - 2012.

Liberty.SU - 2012.

Asymptote journal - 2011.

wow.sportmax.com - 2011.

noorderlicht.com - 2010.

Van Zijll Langhout - 2010.

LPV Magazine - 2010.

Camera Obscura - 2010.

Rodinki - 2009.

Verve Photo - 2008.

Photographer.ru - 2006